In a cue from Jon Acuff's Stuff Christian's Like blog post
"Praying for Your Future Spouse", I give you my prayers.
Dear Lord, please:
1. let him not be crazy militaristic. I mean, I love my country and all, and I support my country much like Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis, but if he loves guns and explosions more than me, this ain't gonna work.
AmURica |
2. let him be cultured. And by cultured I mean let him love movies. That's modern day high social standing, loving movies, right? Wills and Kate love movies. Oh, he also must hate Sour Patch Watermelon so I can eat them all myself at the theater without him reaching his grimy dirty hand into my candy pouch (wow, that sounds so dirty).
I will bite your hand off. |
3. let him appreciate the high quality of alcohol. Now mind you, God, I don't want a drunk. That's just a weird request. But I don't want one of these guys that thinks drinking is blasphemous and hard alcohol makes you the devil. I love me some Amaretto Sour.
Fav new drink. Hollar! |
4. let him look good in a baseball cap. And a suit. Nothing sexier than a man in a suit (that fits). Men, if you're reading this, have at least one tailored suit. It'll get you major points (WHEN YOU'RE MARRIED! JEEZ PEOPLE!)
I was gonna go with Pierce, but this picture is too sexy... |
5. make sure my future husband is good at numbers. And simple math. Well, maybe hard math too because that would make my husband a genius. But maybe I don't want to marry a genius? That might be too intimidating... Ok, all I ask is that he loves to balance a checkbook and do taxes. I call being the not responsible spouse!
Women ARE the weaker gender, right? Don't get me started... |
6. it would be great if he were literate.
This guy is total cheese and I love it. |
7. let his look and my look make good looking kids. I don't want weird looking kids. I want a Johnson and Johnson's model kid. If they were ugly, I probably wouldn't love them.
Damn his sweet smile and bright blue eyes! My kid's never going to be this cute - or blonde. |
8. let his gene pool be ideal, as in, please don't let him ever get man-boobs. (Yeah, I'm not going there with a photo...)
9. don't let him be called to be a missionary in Africa. I mean, I love the continent. I've been there. It's lovely. The people are lovely. Come to think of it... I take this request back. Africa here I come!
I think we should bring that necklace style to the States. I'm not even kidding. |
10. help us communicate well. Help us be good for one another and challenge one other. Give him patience for my failings and vice versa. Give us the courage to get help when we need it. Help us appreciate the small moments and understand one another. Give us the same language to speak. Help us remain committed. Help us not find our satisfaction in each other or in the marriage. Let us always look to You. Be our guide in our journey and help us come out on the other end having learned more in order to have grown in You.
Alli, I love this. Some of these echo prayers of my own - let him look good in a baseball hat (backwards). Let him be a musician of some kind. Let him be social and charismatic. Let him be a Dreamer. One of my greatest desires, I am learning, is for my husband to be someone who is not afraid of big dreams. I want to spend my life working to help make his come true. I want him to spend his helping me to make mine - and together, serve the Lord.